Monday, March 26, 2007

Baby! and other stuff...

So I had my second OB apt today.
Completely uneventful and short *yay*

but..on a kewl note, the doc let me record the heartbeat on my phone i can play it for friends and DF...

heres random pic for ya of my kitty, oh how i cherish this lil bish...

I had a very very low moment and a very very high emotional moment this week...

the low moment came when i felt badly about my lack of real friends. most of my friends are online and i hardly talk to them bc i have a guilt complex about saying hi and feeling like im bothering them. But luckily, after talking to a couple close friends, i feel way better about having friends who do care about me.Onlines friends tend to be less than personal. Alot of online friends are more acquaintances. its understandable why. we all have our own lives to live and busy ones at that.

Anyways on to the high high time.
well at first it was very sad. I cried bc i miss my fiance sooooo much. This thusly made me realize how deeply i care for him and how much i truely love him. The aching in my chest, the saddness when hes gone, it all amounts to the scariest emotion of all....Love! But this makes me very happy, as i was worried *for like a millasecond* that it was all the metaphorical high of new love. but alas its not, im doomed to love him for the rest of my life. LOL.

Anyways, not much new on the home front. I got my notice of lease termination and they actually have the cahones (sp?) balls* to charge me extra for things like burnt out lightbulbs ($3 /each), and broiler pans($45.00/each) wtf!?! a $45 broiler pan, those things are like 5 bucks a pop at walmart...that broiler pan better come with a steak and potatoes and a lapdance!!!

heh, well ill clean*wipe off* before i leave, but im not gonna wear myself out bc i know they clean the apt after i leave anyways, not very well from the way the apt looked when i moved in(i.e. rusted toilet and shower*very badly rusted* and a dirty carpet) after the $1450 that im paying to get out of my lease, they can afford to replace a lil ol' broiler pan and light bulb with that money. geez!

Saturday, March 24, 2007


The reason I created this blog...

...and the fact that ive been told by alot of people I should have one.

*clears throat*

so to start. I am currently sick as a dog. Well, if you call allergies sick. For a few days now, I have been battling congestion, sore throat and sneezing. woohoo! Now I remember one of the many reasons I dont like Columbus.

Umm, hmmm, *ponders*

Well, so far, aside from the intensely painful gas and nausea, this pregnany is typical and uneventful. I felt the baby kick at about 12 weeks* am currently 14 weeks* while on the phone with her/his daddy ironically. We are waiting for the birth to find out what the gender of dear fetus. I feel*sorta* that its a girl, but that premonition has slowly faded to uncertainty again as of late. All these cute lil boys confuzzle me!

Have an OB apt on Mon. I like the U/S's better bc then you can see the baby! If I were suffering with an sordid illness like my fellow hormonal mommas are, then id be more excited for the regular appointments. This pregnancy has turned out like the last one, quiet and almost forgettable*gasp*

does that make me a bad mommy bc i dont think about the growing fetus beneath my skin 24/7? I think alot of soon-to-be mommies would agree that you dont get carried away all hours of the day by your condition unless you're just darn unlucky and have to suffer with those conditions which make pregnancy unbearable sometimes.

anywho, I get the see my daughter(3ish) next friday after not seeing her for about 2 months and i couldnt be more excited about anything else! every waking moment with her, soaking her up, spoiling her rotten, I cant WAIT!!!

thats all the prattling im going to subject you to for now!

ciao dahlings!
